Thursday, June 4, 2009

Deck Review : Burn Deck

Afew days ago I built this burn deck in KCVDS. (Kaiba Corporation Visual Dueling System)(See previous post for more info) I tried out the burn deck and it worked out pretty well :) Today I intend to post the burn deck card list. Some cards from the burn deck are from very old packs so they are not really avalible now :(
What does a burn deck does? A burn deck defeats the opponent by reducing the opponent's life points not by attacking but using monster / trap / spell cards effects.

Burn deck card list (48) :

Monster cards (19) :
1. Solar Flare Dragon x3
2. Des Koala x3
3. Mine Golem x3
4. Stealth Bird x3
5. Giant Germ x3
6. Princess of Tsurugi x2
7. Marshmallon x1
8. Bowganian x1

Spell cards (16) :
9. Wave motion-Cannon x3
10. Poison of The Old Man x3
11. Misfortune x3
12. Tremendous Fire x2
13. Lightning Vortex x2
14. Swords of Revelling Light x1
15. Level Limit - Area B x1
16. Ookazi x2

Trap cards (12) :
17. Just desserts x3
18. Secrect Barrier x3
19. MineField Eruption x2
20. Gravity Bind x1
21. Mirror Force x1
22. Magical Cylinder x1

Hope you find my burn deck wonderful! :)
If you have any comments please feel free to post it in the CBox.
Goob Bye for now! :)

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